The results gradually keep improving. Please add your latest to the table.
NEWS: Edge clique cover does not have polynomial kernel (see 35). It was open for some time.
Very nice paper to read, so enjoy! — Saket
Problem | f(k) | vertices in kernel | Reference/Comments |
Vertex Cover | $1.2529^{k}$ | $2k$ | 42 |
Connected Vertex Cover | $2^{k}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 26, randomized algorithm |
Multiway Cut | $2^k$ | not known | 21, 38: $O(k^{s+1})$-vertex kernel with $s$ terminals |
Directed Multiway Cut | $2^{O(k^3)}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 34 |
Almost-2-SAT (VC-PM) | $2.3146^k$ | $O(k^6)$ | 37, 38, randomized kernel |
Multicut | $2^{O(k^3)}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 22, 35 |
Pathwidth One Deletion Set | $4.65^k$ | $O(k^2)$ | 28 |
Undirected Feedback Vertex Set | $3.460^k$ | $2 k^2 + k$ | 36, deterministic algorithm |
Undirected Feedback Vertex Set | $2.7^k$ | $2 k^2 + k$ | 23, randomized algorithm |
Subset Feedback Vertex Set | $4^k$ | not known | 39 |
Directed Feedback Vertex Set | $4^k k!$ | not known | 27 |
Odd Cycle Transversal | $2.3146^k$ | $O(k^{4.5})$ | 37, 38, randomized kernel; kernel is for signed graph generalization |
Edge Bipartization | $2^k$ | $\tilde O(k^3)$ | 25, 38, randomized kernel; kernel is for signed graph generalization |
Planar DS | $2^{11.98 \sqrt{k}}$ | $67k$ | 3 |
1-Sided Crossing Min | $2^{O(\sqrt{ k}\log k)}$ | $O(k^2)$ | 4 |
Max Leaf | $3.72^{k}$ | $3.75k$ | 5 |
Directed Max Leaf | $3.72^{k}$ | $O(k^2)$ | 6 |
Set Splitting | $1.8213^{k}$ | $k$ | 7 |
Nonblocker | $2.5154^{k}$ | $5k/3$ | 8 |
Edge Dominating Set | $2.3147^k$ | $0.5k^2+O(k)$ | 10 |
k-Path | $2.619^{k}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 43, deterministic algorithm |
k-Path | $1.66^{k}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 11b, randomized algorithm |
Convex Recolouring | $4^k$ | $O(k^2)$ | 12 |
VC-max degree 3 | $1.1616^k$ | 13 | |
Clique Cover | $2^{2^k}$ | $2^k$ | 14 |
Clique Partition | $2^{k^2}$ | $k^2$ | 15 |
Cluster Editing | $1.62^k$ | $2k$ | 16, weighted and unweighted |
Steiner Tree | $(2+\delta)^k$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 41, weighted, for any constant $\delta>0$ |
Steiner Tree | $2^k$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 17, unweighted |
3-Hitting Set | $2.076^k$ | $O(k^2)$ | 18 |
Interval Completion | $O(k^{2k}n^3 )$ | not known | 19 |
Minimum Fill-In | $2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k )}$ | $2k^2+2k$ | 20 |
Contraction to Paths | $2^{k+ o(k) }$ | $5k+3$ | 30 |
Contraction to Trees | $4^k/4.98^{k}$ | no $k^{O(1)}$ | 30, randomized/deterministic algorithm |
Planar Disjoint Path | $2^{O(2^k)}$ | not known | 31 |
Max Internal Spanning Tree | $8^{k}$ | $3k$ | 32 |
Directed Max Internal Spanning Tree | $16^{k+ \log k}$ | $O(k^2)$ | 33 |
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